About (atomic?) habits
I’ve this other
blog and I’ve been ignoring it for a while now, same as this one. And I feel bad simply because I’m unable to keep up with writing simple,easy stuff.
If you know me, then you know that I’m trying to keep myself busy, thinking that productivity is just doing something. Little did I know that being productive aka being a better version of yourself has nothing to do with keeping yourself busy.
People are busy everyday but very few of them are productive.
I need to understand the key difference between productivity and being busy. For then will I be able to modify my system, my brain, myself.
I want to speak about habits. I know, I know, I’m a terrible guy to speak about habits but hey, it’s my own blog afterall.
I started my first blog a couple of months ago, and in the beginning, the motivation to write was skyrocketing. I would write an article,maybe even two in a day. It’s evident from the publishing dates. But with time the motivation faded and I hid this truth behind the excuse that “I’m busy,I’ll write it later.”.
The key to getting better, apparently, is to be consistent
. In my opinion,it even beats the quality of a post. I would much rather prefer posting average articles frequently than great articles rarely.
But doesn’t that sound.. worse? I mean everybody knows it’s quality over quantity.
Right. You see, this is about building habits
. So consistency (quantity) precides over quality. I want to solve one problem a day over a month than 30 problems for a day. Maybe it’s a flawed logic but I’m eager to find out. Verisatium has a cool video on building habits. Check it out!
So starting today, I will try to be consistent with everything, at least this blog. I’ll hit two articles a week and slowly increase my production rate which, be warned, will be based on my schedule. (The internship season is imminent)
I hope this plan works out. If not, well, I’ll find another.
P.S. Sorry for a non-technical blog, but I felt like putting this out in this blog of mine. Thanks for reading!